Gymnastic ball: 10 exercises for the figure

Gymnastic ball: 10 exercises for the figure
 Fitball - an indispensable tool for the gym. And in the hall with an instructor, and at home on their own. And doctors say that it can carry out such useful lessons for the figure is much easier and safer. There is a certain number of exercises on gym ball, which helps you find the perfect slim figure.

Before you start to fight for an ideal figure with ball Pick the desired gym shell. If your height varies from 150 to 165 cm, choose a ball with a diameter of 65 cm. If your height from 166 to 180 cm, then your choice should stop on fitball diameter of 75 cm. If you do not remember how much you centimeters in height, the Use another method of selection of the ball. To do this, take the pumped up the ball and take a close look at your feet. They should be on the floor floor at 90 degrees. Only in this case, you can say with confidence that this is your goal.

Once the shell has been picked up, you can start to exercise. As you know, fitball - a great tool for exercise to strengthen the back. So, the starting position - lying on his back. Raise legs up so that they are relative to the floor bent at a right angle. Bend their knees and place the ball on the shin area. Hamstring thus should touch the ball. The essence of the exercise is this: you need to slightly roll the ball in different directions without taking your feet off the ball. When performing exercises importantly ensure that your back is not detached from the floor, that is, there should be no deflection.

If you want to strengthen the hamstring, do the following exercise. All also continue to lie on his back. Only now should lie on the ball only one leg. The second is bent so that the sole touches the feetball. When the exercise is the leg that is on the ball should drive up the ball closer to the body, and the second resist. Remember that not spin up from the floor and move the ball.

Also, the ball will help you and if you want to train your balance. To do this, right knee need to put right in the center of the ball while leaning on fitball hands. Then fed forward slightly, pulling at the same time at the level of the pelvis other leg. So you need to hold out for 5-20 seconds. Repeat for the left leg.

Ideal press - is also fairly easy task for gymnastic ball. Put the ball under your lower back, feet must remain on the floor. Then lift your arms straight up, and behind them and pull the head and shoulders. Now follow the twisting, during which the stomach is pulled and pressed into the small of the ball. Fix the result froze for a second. You can return to the starting position.

Another exercise at the press looks like. Sit on the ball. Hands on the back of the head (preferably they do not engage with each other). Legs are located at shoulder width and bent at the knees. Raise your upper body with the head, neck and shoulders up. Hold for a few seconds, you can then return to the starting position. Perform this exercise should be 15-20 times and not less than 3 per day approaches.

If you want to strengthen your leg muscles, you will help squats with the ball. To do this, you must get back to the wall, the ball at this time should be under the loin. Keep your hands on the belt, and the legs slightly bent at the knees. The essence of the exercise are as follows: sit down, roll the ball up to the extent that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Watch during this exercise, you only need to forward.

Another step to a slim figure will help you to make this exercise. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. With the ball work with your hands. To do this, lift it up to the right temple. Now sit down, then straighten your arms and push the ball to his left ankle. Then return to the original position. The ideal number of repetitions - 5-10 squats for each side.

Strengthen almost all the major muscles and stretching hands to do the following exercise will help you. Sit on the ball so that your knees are bent at a right angle. Now slowly roll off the ball, rounded back. It should be done so that it appears that you store on the ball vertebra by vertebra. Must go down to the moment when you will not seem that the blades touch the ball already. Do not forget to promote foot forward. When you get to this point, pull his hands behind his head and briefly Hold this position. Then return to the original position.

Make your legs more hardy can be using the next exercise. Lie on the ball belly down, fitball thus should be placed under the muscles of the pelvis. The essence of the exercise is that you need to roll on the ball until the entire lateral surface of the thigh will not lie on the ball. Now you need to straighten the other leg, lift it up and forward slightly sideways. Repeat for the other leg.

And another exercise that will help bring all the muscles of the body in tone, as follows. Sit on the ball, legs should be bent at the knees and feet firmly pressed to the floor. Begin to march without holding at the same time for fitball hands. Gradually accelerate the pace. If there is a lot of experience training can even go to run on the ball.

Tags: press, fitness, figure, ball, exercise, gymnastics, fitball