Fitness menu nutrition before and after exercise

Fitness menu nutrition before and after exercise
 The secret to a beautiful figure is simple - a sport and a healthy diet. Professional athletes are carefully selected not only of exercises, but also the right food for your menu. Athlete diet has a significant impact on the effectiveness of training. Especially important meal before and after school in the gym.  
 Before training

Lunch or dinner just before the start of classes are not worth it. Nourishing food is better there for 1, 5-2 hours before exercise, and light snack, such as yogurt or apple, you can afford for 30-40 minutes. The fact that exercise interfere with the process of digestion, and the rock press with a full stomach - not the best idea. Therefore, the food should have time to digest.

The last meal should consist of foods rich in protein and carbohydrates. The latter provide the body with energy, which is so necessary for a fruitful exercise. Proteins, in turn, are a source of amino acids to contribute to muscle and an increase in their volume and build beautiful relief.

But the amount of fat is best minimized. Because they slow down digestion and metabolism which may lead to discomfort in the abdominal cramps and nausea.

The ideal solution would be scrambled egg whites, poultry or lean beef with vegetables or rice. For half an hour before the workout, you can also drink a cup of brewed coffee or strong green tea without milk or sugar. Also exciting effect which enables to exercise more than usual, and these beverages have the ability to stimulate the secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine. These hormones are converted to fat cells in a kind of "fuel" for the body, as a result, extra centimeters go much faster.

After a workout

Immediately after the training in the body, called "protein-carbohydrate" anabolic window. At this time, the nutrients absorbed by 5-6 times better, because they go to the recovery of muscle tissue. During the first 20 minutes after classes should definitely eat. Experienced athletes recommend drinking a glass of cranberry or grape juice, and eat other foods that are sources of carbohydrates, but do not contain fat: bread, vegetables, fruits, cereals. Do not be amiss, and a protein shake that promotes muscle growth. After a 1-1, 5:00 after a workout can afford a full meal.

Tags: Ambassador, Men, nutrition, fitness, training, reception, sport, athlete