Fitness for Women: sports, gymnastics and exercises for the perfect figure

Fitness for Women: sports, gymnastics and exercises for the perfect figure
 At different times and in different nations have different standards of female beauty. In ancient Greece were in vogue soft, rounded shapes, the Renaissance pale skin and thin waist, at the time of Rubens pyshnotelye considered beautiful, rosy girl. Today, almost every modern girl dreams to have tightened, flawless figure.

Someone born lucky, and she has a good metabolism, and therefore special efforts to maintain shape in the form is not required to make, but someone has to contend with the extra centimeters and kilograms of my entire life. These girls need to constantly keep track of what they eat and exercise regularly. Fortunately, today there are so many fitness programs aimed at maintaining good physical shape. For example, cardio (running, exercise bikes, aerobics, etc.). Not only help burn excess fat, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. A weight training to help sculpt the figure you want. Pilates, yoga and other similar exercises help the body to become more flexible, stronger and leaner.

Selecting a fitness direction depends on what kind of results you want to achieve. If you need to lose weight, it is better to give preference to cardio. During these sessions the blood more oxygen, due to this, and there is a reduction of body fat. You can study at home or in a sports club. Elleptichesky and exercise bike, stepper, jogging, swimming in the pool, water aerobics and other forms of aerobic exercise - all of which help to deal effectively with overweight. If you have too much weight it is best to choose swimming, since in this case the load on the heart will not be too high. Additionally, you can hiking, it is also a kind of cardio. During the lessons you need to monitor the pulse, its frequency should not exceed 65 - 85% of its maximum value, which is calculated as follows: 220 minus your age. It is not necessary to exercise too vigorously, perform the exercises and use the machine at a pace where you are comfortable and convenient, and it is better to start with 15 - 20 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 40 - 50 minutes about three times a week.

It is best to alternate cardio with power. As if the first help to burn excess fat, the latter focused on something that would strengthen and develop muscle mass. You can do the exercises only for certain groups of muscles and body parts that deserve the most attention. The fitness clubs can apply for the following strength training: ABS + Flex, IZOTON, Body Sculpt, Body Pump, different simulators. You can perform a variety of strength exercises at home. Classes to be more effective, you can use dumbbells, expanders and other sports equipment.

For women, you can perform the following exercises at home. Take dumbbells in your hands, palms down turn. Take a step right foot forward, bend your knees and slightly tilt the body forward. From this position pull the dumbbells to the sides while turning the palms to the body. Return to starting position. Make exercise for the other leg. Repeat 10 - 15 times.

Stand with your feet put about shoulder width apart, hold hands with dumbbells in front of you. Tilt your body slightly forward and bend your elbows. Make sure that the palms were facing each other. Raise your right hand to the ceiling, turning the body after the hand. Go back and turn to the left. Make about 10 repetitions on each side.

Tags: fitness, female, figure, pounds, exercise, sports, gymnastics, cardio