Fitness for children

Fitness for children
 Fitness can engage all people, regardless of their age and gender. Now there are different areas of fitness, aimed at people with different abilities, desires, different physical training. One of the most popular and useful for health fitness trend can be called aerobics. Many believe that this occupation is primarily intended for women - to adjust the figures to improve flexibility and endurance. However, this is not true, because aerobics can work even children. Women's magazine JustLady today will tell you what is useful aerobics for children.

The most important thing is that aerobics promotes harmonious physical development of the child, while bringing a lot of bright emotions. Differentaerobics for children from the adult in that it takes place in the form of a game, it was interesting to the child in the classroom. The most important thing - it is to captivate the child, and therefore should be a variety of classes: pass and indoors and outdoors. Music should also be appropriate - rhythmic and emotional.

Any person required physical activity, and children who grow and develop - even more so. Moreover, classes and even bring good health effect. Especially usefulaerobics for children the fact that during the busy working all the muscles, stimulates the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Depending on the age of the child, aerobics divided into groups for school children and groups for teenagers. But even the smallest children aged one and a half years can do aerobics, if not have any serious illnesses. Training in such young children occupy no more than ten minutes, the children after two years may be engaged for twenty minutes.

Fitness for children

The greatest advantage of children's aerobics is that parents can join their child to the sport since childhood, strengthening their health and contributing to its development. Journal JustLady advises young mothers do aerobics with the child - it will bring you and your child with a lot of positive emotions. If we talk about the lessons, the aerobics for children is divided into the following types: beast-aerobics, that is, exercises that are based on the imitation of the movements of the animals; logo-aerobics, in which children with exercise pronounce different sounds or even learning a quatrain. Depending on the age of the child in the classroom using elements of yoga, fitball, tap dance, dance aerobics and strength. The main thing that your child has an interest in the classroom - to make him do exercises that he does not like our women's magazine JustLady not recommend. Special form for classes do not need to fit the usual sportswear, in which the child will be convenient to deal with. 

And So,Fitness for children is important because with regular exercise improves the physical data (endurance, strength, coordination), formed beautiful posture, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, develop and work the major muscle groups. No less important is the fact that the child is formed interest in the sport, which means that in the future he will pay attention to their physical development. The benefits of all this is obvious. We must not forget thatFitness for children promotes not only physical, but also mental formation. As children faster and better adapted to all new, the exercise will benefit the harmonious development of his personality. Competent and moderate physical activity will benefit the child, in this you can be sure.

Journal JustLady recommends some simple but effective exercises that you can do with their children at home.

So, with children 1-1, 5 years, you can perform the following exercises:
- Walking along the path. Mark with chalk on the floor track is 2-3 meters long and 30-40 cm wide. Let the child alone will take on the track a few times.
- Squats. Take the stick, hold one end of it in his hands, let the other end with both hands holding the baby. According to the team at the same time start to squat while holding the stick. Repeat 4-6 times.

For children 1, 5-2 years will approach such exercises:
- Walking on the board. Secure the board, one end lift by 20 cm from the floor. Help your baby up and down the board.
- Perelezanie through a bench or a log. Help your child climbeth through the barrier and back. Repeat several times.

Exercise for the child 2, 5-3 years:
- Walking on toes. Child for a minute walks around the room on tiptoes, then rest 20 seconds and repeat the exercise again.
- Raising hands. The kid lies on his stomach on the mat, hands outstretched. He picks up a stick, and the parent picks it up at 20-25 cm above the floor, so that the child stretched forward. This exercise should be repeated 3-4 times.
- Raising the legs. Starting position of the child - lying back on the mat. Mom or Dad holding the stick at a height of 25-30 cm above the floor, and the child lifts his legs and touches them stick. Exercise repeat 3-4 times.

Doubly useful if exercise will be combined with tempering procedures. As you can see, nothing complicated, you just need a gradual approach and constant. Remember that a child should not be forced to do something against his will. Try to plan your exercise so that your kid was interesting - well, if it is in the form of a game involving the whole family. Let your child feel that you are a participant in the game, as he was.

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: exercise, child