Exercises to strengthen the spine

Exercises to strengthen the spine
 Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and lack of exercise often leads to a curvature of the spine and severe pain in the neck and back. To avoid this, you need every day to pay quite a bit of time special gymnastics, helps strengthen all parts of the spine and improve blood circulation.
 Perform exercises to strengthen the spine must be very careful not to cause him any injury. Exercises are done slowly and stop the emergence of any pain or discomfort, especially when exposed to the cervical. And at the same time rotate the housing body should be the way to get the maximum effect. The number of repetitions for each exercise - 5-10 times.

The cervical

Exercises should begin with the cervical spine. Follow the twists and turns of the head from side to side several times, then lower your head to his chest, trying to reach out to her chin. Finally, let down slowly head back. Then run the circular movements of the head to one side, and then - in another.


In order to strengthen the spine stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands above your head and grasp the left hand right. Follow lean to the left, as if trying to pull his hand through. Then return to the starting position, switch hands and repeat to the other side.

Lie back on a hard surface, legs slightly bent at the knees, and put under the waist cushion or folded towel. Holding his hands behind his head in the lock, lift the upper body slightly and hold for a few seconds.


Lying on your back straight, move your feet to the right and left to become the spine to bend. In this case, the head and the blades should not come off the floor.

Roll over on your stomach and stretch your arms and legs in different directions. Then lift the leg slightly upward, keeping it in that position for a few seconds. Return to starting position, change the leg and repeat.

Get on all fours and slowly bend the spine to one side, then - in another. Relax for a moment, then made a similar action, only this time arching her back, and then rounding it.

Tags: exercise, spine, strengthening