5 ways to keep your body in good shape with no fitness clubs

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 Physically fit and toned body - the dream of many. But to achieve it is not necessary to spend hours of grueling training in fitness clubs or gyms, so as to keep the body in good shape, there are other methods available.
 To constantly be in good shape to your body needs regular exercise. In particular, desperately need them, those who, for whatever reasons, a sedentary lifestyle, the results of which can be extra pounds and deterioration of health. To date, there are many ways to help keep a beautiful figure and strengthen muscles.

1. To maintain the tone, first of all, you can not be an active person. For example, you should not be lazy to climb stairs, try to at least part of the way to work and from work to walk. Positively to the increase in activity may also affect the acquisition chetverolapogo other, which would have to be several times a day to take a walk.

2. Morning exercises should be mandatory to perform a daily ritual, as it helps to find a charge of vivacity for the whole day and will be always in shape. How exactly will be an exercise depends on you, but it would be appropriate to include a sit-ups, push-ups and exercises with dumbbells.

3. Dance classes help to relax, and the possibility to use different muscle groups and create a continuous exercise. Since today there are many dance styles, you can begin to master any of them. If the desire to learn the basics of dance does not arise, it is possible to move rhythmically every day at home with your favorite music.

4. A very effective way to keep the body in good shape considered running and walking. If you want to run, we should not lose sight of what not to hurt yourself, the best option would be a class 3 times a week, the average rate of running and a gradual increase in load. As for hiking, they should be daily. Outdoors is best to walk at least an hour, with alternate slow pace with a fast walk.

5. FAD many celebrities become yoga, which is considered one of the most effective techniques for spiritual and physical development of man. It has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs, improves the stretching and strengthening of muscles (including the abdominal muscles), as well as helping to achieve the flexibility of joints.

Tags: house, club, tone, fitness, fashion, figure, body, load, sport