How to save the form in pregnancy

How to save the form in pregnancy
 As a rule, concern for the preservation of forms during pregnancy are secondary, the third plan, and sometimes even lose any significance. Often this is wrong, and after the birth of the baby mama starts regret the lost time when she did not show any effort to preserve the shape. Moreover, that sustain the beauty of a lot easier than to restore or re-create.
 Your first step is to choose a good doctor. Ideally, it is necessary to make long before pregnancy. Consult a doctor in all matters relating to the conservation of the figures, in the first place - on weight gain. Find out how many pounds you can gain during pregnancy, and how many will already be superfluous. On average, the rate of weight gain varies in the area of ​​10-15 kg.

Enroll in courses of yoga, massage and gymnastics for pregnant women, even if before anything similar is not engaged. Do not be afraid and do not be lazy. The benefits of such activities has a positive impact on your forms, but also contribute to the good development of the fetus and easy pregnancy. If you do not have medical contraindications, your doctor must approve attendance at such courses.

Be sure to use cosmetics with a high content of collagen and moisturizing skin care. Otherwise, after the end of pregnancy you will get stretch marks and scars on the chest, thighs and abdomen. In addition, to keep the skin should be paid more attention to hygiene. Taking a shower, do it for a few minutes longer than usual. And be sure to use the contrast dousing. If you like a bath, go temporarily on the shower. Arrange air baths for chest several times a day for 10-15 minutes. When choosing cosmetics use more forgiving and soft foods. Eliminate the solarium. Monitor daily fluid intake to avoid edema.

Mental attitude is very important to maintain the required forms. It defines the appetite and hunger, which greatly increased during pregnancy. Tune in plenty, and a balanced diet, become selective in choosing products and control weight gain. Learn more about nutrition and the need to introduce into the diet right products tell the doctor. You also need to recharge yourself with positive reading, socializing with family and good friends. Most often, women learn about the fact of pregnancy for 6-8 weeks and then begin specific moods, the desire to eat more, etc. If we manage to keep the same attitude as before the detection of pregnancy, problems with excess weight you are guaranteed to avoid.

Update your wardrobe. This will help to pull myself together and get away from thinking about food. In addition, due to the pop belly you will not be able to wear the usual things for yourself, and you will need special clothes designed for pregnant women. In order to preserve the shape of the breast buy a good bra. His cup should be well encircle the mammary glands, but in any case not squeeze them. As the size of the breast need to change bras. Get into the habit of not shoot it at bedtime. Wear a special brace that supports the stomach. It will help to maintain the correct posture and harmony and not much to stretch the skin of the abdomen

Tags: form, figure, period, saving, slim, pregnancy