If you decide to give birth to her husband, it is necessary to stipulate a few things right. First, the desire to go on family labor must be mutual, because by forcibly raised in the delivery room will be a little confused wife.
Secondly, your man, at least, should represent how the birth, and how it can help. He will provide you with moral support, will help to breathe and survive during contractions, applying acupressure and special pain-relieving exercises.
Also discuss in advance whether you will be together through all the stages of labor, or any attempts to stage a spouse leaves you. Some men can not stand the sight of blood and have increased impressionability, they just not worth it to see the birth of a baby all the way to the end. In this case, the idea of family birth is better to refuse or restrict short-term presence of her husband. If your spouse is not timid and consciously wants to support you during labor and birth, he may, if desired, cut the umbilical cord, or at least take a crumb on your hands immediately after birth. And do not be afraid to appear before the favorite in a bad way: Smiling woman just gave the life of the little man, dazzlingly beautiful.
It is important to discuss the possibility of giving birth to a doctor and get his consent. It happens that in small hospitals joint childbirth is simply impossible due to lack of separate maternity wards. In other medical institutions, on the other hand, practice rooming parents with a baby until discharge.
Do not despair if your spouse is ready to step up to the threshold of the hospital only to meet you with the crumbs in the day of discharge, or conditions do not allow the hospital to make your dream a reality. Not so important, whether you will be able to go through childbirth together or not, it's only the first step on the long path of the parent, and the two of you to expect many years of responsible work of education of the little man.