Researchers from Oxford and Nottingham Trent University found that one in five male or female, unmarried, regularly read e-mails or SMS messages spouse. 20% of men and women are constantly monitored by a web browser on any sites comes their second half.
Scientists have studied about 1,000 families, married for about 19 years and have children. The results of their amazed that married espionage engaged not only well versed in the art of men, but also women who are not advanced PC users. When the family is hanging over the danger of the fairer half of humanity has successfully overcome the most inveterate computer illiteracy.
So, emails spouses read 14% of women and 8% of men. SMV messages check 13% of the wives and husbands of 7%. In every tenth marriage spy on each other both spouses. It turns out that in general, every fifth family man suffers from this kind of curiosity. But watching the second half of the geography visited sites 6% of men and every tenth woman - here affects the best technical podkovannost husbands.
There are those husbands and wives (of 1%), which is mounted on home computers, special programs and use them to monitor the spouse. Approximately the same number of people from time to time present themselves on the Internet for the other person and provoke wife to flirt, to check it.
To sum up the results of research as a whole, they suggest: in every third family of one of the pair controls the actions of another. And it does not mean that in any case there is a suspicion of treason, espionage sometimes comes from a desire to learn more about the partner.