How do I know my husband or lover, he remains faithful? This question asked women from ancient times. Rich ladies hired spies, simple women tried to ensure loyalty to loved using tokens and divination.
Modern women opportunities much more! You can learn about the whereabouts of her husband by sending sms to the number you want, "dissolve" the husband on ICQ, posing as a stranger, hack email ...
But it's much easier. To find out if her husband's mistress can, if you carefully analyze his behavior. There are several signs of infidelity that will help you ensure fidelity of a spouse or vice versa, see the alarm bells.
The husband began to look more attractive, changed clothes, regularly visits the gym daily to clean in the morning and putting on fresh clothes. Increased attention to your body, hygiene, laundry - the main feature of the betrayal of a man or of the existence of the novel.
The husband is often delayed at work, takes overtime. Frequent trips from which earlier husband tried to refuse. Exceptions are workaholics who previously spent most of their time at work.
Did you notice irritability, unwillingness to contact and talk with you. The husband began to notice your flaws often criticize the manner of dress, talk, walk. Bad sign if you husband compares with others that in his opinion, more modern, fun, smart, attractive.
The husband has failed to fulfill marital duties, citing fatigue after work. Sometimes regular sex is, but changes the behavior of her husband. For example, there was a rude, is not caused by passion. Or he inclines you to such kinds of sex that you have not practiced, though learned something new without you.
Increased caution men can also be a sign of infidelity. If before his phone lying anywhere, now husband, even the toilet is sent to the mobile. Responding to calls, the husband out of the room or a quiet voice said "colleague", which will call back.
Worsening financial situation, despite the constant recycling. Even if the husband has not committed treason as such, on the basis of the appearance of the novel can be suspected. Candy buketny period at considerable expense.
But, watching a favorite, think about what you will do if you find treason. Perhaps you do not want to expose the traitor and destroy the family. Sometimes it is necessary to start with yourself, and instead dig and question, to try to return the closeness of the relationship and revitalize your senses.