First a mistress must accept their role. Only 3% of men throw families for love on the side, especially if the family has children grow.
Second mistress forbidden to interfere in the life of a loved one! In no case can not try to communicate with his wife, and even more so with the children of men. Failure to do so threatens mistress banal rupture of relations.
Third, the mistress should be happy to accept any gifts made man. After all, the game goes by his rules, and he just could not give anything material, confining their attention.
Fourth: The mistress is recommended favorably on the request to his men will certainly contribute to its fate. Lover wants to give her a prestigious job, or send receive additional education? Excellent, everything in life come in handy.
Fifth: mistress should always be fun, sweet, good-natured, friendly, beautiful and cheerful. The list goes on and on, because on the side of men are looking for something that deprived homes, whether a certain kind of sex or patties stuffed with meat only.
Sixth: lover - not a reason to forget about the "black day". Mistress should think about the time when she finally tired of the man and left the empty trough. To correct the situation of a bank account or money under the mattress.
Seventh, it is not necessary to meet with several men. As the saying goes, two hares chase - you will not catch. Therefore, it is desirable mistress focus on just one man.
Eighth: mistress must comply with conspiracy. Forbidden lover calls home in the evening, on holidays and other inopportune time. Violation of this rule will lead to dire consequences - a lover decides to get rid of annoying woman. Many men are forbidden to call his mistress at his work number to colleagues did not learn anything about his double life.
Ninth: The relationship with her lover will be stronger if mistress will try at all to be better than the wife of a man.
Tenth: should think hundred times before agreeing to the role of a mistress. The chance to be among those lucky who managed to repel a lover of his wife, is very small, but still exists. Output is married to a former lover, consider whether you are waiting for the fate of the abandoned wife, because a man has the experience changes.