The first and most important rule in the church wedding - the bride and groom to be baptized in the same faith. In other words, if one of you baptized and another does not, or you are a different religion - it is an obstacle to the wedding. In addition, the wedding is not allowed to persons who have not attained a certain age. For the groom is 18 years, for the bride - 16. At the ceremony, the bride and groom should be a cross, to symbolize their belonging to one faith and said the willingness to take the sacred wedding ceremony.
In contrast to the marriage registration in the registry office in the church, you can not get married every day. Ceremonies are not held during fasts (both during multi-day, and during the day). In addition, an obstacle to the church wedding may be the fact that one spouse has been married several times. If marriage is the fourth in a row, you will not marry, because the church is opposed to multiple marriages. Traditionally, the bride and groom should not be related by blood, but it is now generally already done.
Now about clothing that is permissible for the wedding ceremony. There are mainly should focus on the bride suit, because the groom is usually dressed very conservatively. So, for the wedding ceremony the bride should choose a dress with covered shoulders, chest and back. It must be different modesty and not be too tight-fitting or provocative. Can and does choose for the ceremony simple white dress, because you are in a church, do not forget it! Although, today, many brides prefer to get married in their wedding dresses and this, of course, there is nothing reprehensible. If your order does not correspond to church rules, shoulders, chest and back can be closed at the ceremony cape or train. Speaking of the loop, according to tradition, he must be on the bride's dress. There is such a sign that the longer the loop, the longer it will last for family life newlyweds.
To arrange a wedding, you must visit the church of your choice in advance, because such a procedure as there is a certain schedule. The wedding is held only in the presence of a marriage certificate, so first you have yet to register the marriage in the registry office. By tradition, before the wedding the bride and groom have for some time and fast for three days before the ceremony not to enter into an intimate relationship. On the day of the ordinances necessary to visit the liturgy, communion and confession. If during the ceremony will be held photography, video, this should warn priests in advance. Well in advance, before you start, you need to give the ring to the priest who will perform the ceremony. Newlyweds on their fingers put on himself.
Remember that the wedding in the church - not just a tribute to modern fashion and beautiful ritual. Wedding - is one of the most important sacraments, designed to connect the hearts and souls of lovers in the face of the Lord. Undergo this procedure only makes sense if you are both ready for it and feel the need to get married. Remember that wedding - this is the beginning of your life together, take it seriously rite!