Evidence of his unwillingness to marry can be set. Let us consider the seven most significant of them.
1. He does not like commitments. This can manifest itself in many ways. For example, the friends he perceives as companions for get-togethers. But will never help them with the move or garden landscaping. He did not fulfill obligations to their parents, forgetting to call them and refusing to help. He does not promise to support you, trying to keep a distance.
2. He is still looking. On his page on the social network, new acquaintances, he is in correspondence with several girls. Taking a walk in the park with you, it is with interest the beauties around.
3. He believes that you - not his ideal. He tells the story of a fictional ideal lady, giving you understand what you are - not her. He constantly compares you with it. By the way, the woman in this situation may be real, for example, his first love, his mother or a movie star.
4. He sees all your flaws. When a man is in love, he does not see flaws. If he criticizes you in the case and no, it is, unfortunately, quite indifferent to you.
5. He is a lover of hormonal upheavals. When hunting for a woman in a man stands a cocktail of hormones. Norepinephrine invigorates and gives confidence in the force, titillate phenylethylamine, dopamine allows you to feel successful, and serotonin creates a sense of stability pleasant emotional recovery. There are men that are dependent on this "cocktail". They are also called Don Juan.
6. He is afraid of attachments. There are men who recognize only the long-distance relationship. Any attempt to reduce the distance lead to nervousness or even attempts to disappear from your life. If you encounter such a type, it is difficult to expect from his marriage proposal.
7. He severely burned in the recent past. For example, recently divorced, or faced with the betrayal of his beloved. In this case, it may be a long time not ready for marriage. For example, the average time that a man needs to survive a divorce and want to marry, is 4 years. Previously, pestering him with this question is simply meaningless.