Terms of care for suede shoes

Terms of care for suede shoes
 Shoes made of suede, beautiful and practical, never goes out of fashion. Velvet boots or stylish shoes have always found their buyers. If you purchased the shoes of this type of skin, be sure to observe a few simple rules to care for her, to shoes always delight you with its beauty.

Before you begin a new thing to show off, do not forget to treat the surface of shoes a special spray (usually sold in shoe stores) - it will protect suede from dust and dirt, as well as cover its waterproof layer. Processing to produce desirable twice.

Caring for suede shoes need some more shopping. Purchase a hard brush, sponge, crepe brush for cleaning and special eraser to remove grease stains. For the future, it is desirable to acquire and even spray-paint the desired color.

After walking shoes Always test first. Anyone care for suede shoes are made only when it is completely dry - otherwise you can hopelessly spoil its appearance. It is not necessary to dry suede hot air flow or near a source of intense heat - this shoes can lose shape or "warp".

After drying, the walk on the surface of the shoe-brush sect to fluff up the nap and remove dust. If your shoes have fallen or grease, or surface beginning to shine, then ototrite its special eraser. After that, clean the shoes crepe brush to completely remove all traces of dust.

If you still got your shoes damage in the form of scratches or abrasions, after the cleaning process the damaged area with spray paint. Do not forget to go through the re-colored mesh place to restore the appearance of the skin after coloring.

Before you put on shoes seasonal storage, be sure to thoroughly dry and clean it. Put into a special shoe or in its absence just type shoes with newspaper - this prevents deformation of suede from long-term storage without socks.

Tags: shoes, suede, care