How to look like a million, spending a penny?

How to look like a million, spending a penny?
 Despite the revenue every woman wants to look so that the surrounding evaluated its unique style and taste. You do not have to spend the entire salary: it is enough to know what exactly should be in the locker room that combined with what and what can not save.

Glossy magazines, movies, advertising, show the ideal woman: beautiful, young, stylish, carefree. It is clear that the reality is far from this picture that impose worldwide manufacturers of expensive clothes, cosmetics and technology. If you do not want to keep up with the beautiful film stars, but your salary is much less than they spend on daily shopping, there is a solution: look for your style, shop wisely.

1. Tidy skin, nails, teeth and hair. By their state can be judged on health, age of the person. Have clear skin without acne and acne is much more important than spending lots of money on cosmetics reputable companies. Just then you can completely do ink, pencil and lip gloss. Do not skimp on the foundation cream: it should not be like crumbling plaster. Teeth aesthetic function besides have practical value. If you can not chew food well, there may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so grasp the treatment and prevention of dental disease as early as possible. Hair should be washed, trimmed and packed. Find your hairdresser who will take less money with a permanent client. Manicure and pedicure, you can do yourself. Do not forget to cover the nails or beige transparent varnish.

2. Buy a few bottles of perfume. You can not buy a dress Chanel - buy a fragrance that envelops you like a shawl, like a cloud. Initially fashion houses developed smells just for those women who can not afford clothes, but who will be happy to touch the world of fashion through the spirits. Toilet water should be changed depending on the season and even the time of day. Look for "its smells," buy small bottles - they do not have time to get bored, are cheaper, have no time to go bad, they can carry with them everywhere.

3. Get rid of random things in the closet. You need to understand in their clothes and give everything that you do not put a year or two. No need to leave the "flashy" things: T-shirts "chanel", "miss love", "hip-hop". Safely dispose of jeans with holes and stripes, blouses with thick "gold" chains, bags, sent by mail order as a gift for cosmetics known cosmetic companies. If you want to be stylish - be unique.

4. Acquire the basic things that will be the basis of your wardrobe. This classic style clothing, elegant, preventing vulgar details like sequins and feathers. Ten items shall be securely register in your home: black ballet flats or pumps, black little dress the same, neutral-colored jacket, white shirt or T-shirt, pencil skirt, a classic shirt or blouse, jeans for your figure, cashmere turtleneck, a small handbag. Basic wardrobe colors: black, white, beige, gray. These things are better to buy a good shop. The rest of the clothes safely buy a stock or a second.

5. Pay attention to shoes, handbags, jewelry. Shoes and a bag can make or break the image. Never buy on the market "fakie" (copies of famous brands). Bag, as well as shoes should be leather, high-quality, even your clothes at the same time will be fairly simple. Do not choose a string bags, bags with pictures, inscriptions. The more modest look of your accessories, the better. Buying a good bag you save: it does not wear out as fast as any of the cheap bags on collapse under your window.

6. Make a list of rules and taboos. Get used to use a fork and knife even in the cafe. Never talk during meals. Do not click knuckles. Any such rules can be found in books on etiquette. There are things that are wearing, you issue a provincial or a girl without much taste. For example, the mini and the 10-inch heels morning look pretty strange. Bright makeup is appropriate at a party, and not in the morning at work. Forbid yourself wearing a pink skirt with ruffles and panama prizes promotion of mayonnaise if you have more than 13 years. Keep your brand!

Tags: salary million, wardrobe, penny