How to lace up high top sneakers

How to lace up high top sneakers
 Way lacing high shoes is very important, as it determines not only external beauty, style, and physiological comfort when walking. Inept tying shoelaces can pull the foot and vice versa, fix bad ankle part. High top sneakers will sit comfortably on your feet and look neat, if you know how to lace them properly.
 Select the correct laces: not too thick, preferably nylon (stretching). Get started below, crossed laces, retract the holes in the top row. Re-cross your tips inside the shoe, insert the top. Repeat the technique to the upper hole, tie shoes.

Try a fast and accurate "European" method - a ladder or zigzag. Pass the cord through the bottom of the hole, pull outward on both sides. One tip lace print crosswise through the top opening, another cross-over for one more series. Continue stringing alternately one, then the other end of the strap. This method provides a safe place to strengthen the ankle joint.

Apply popular right lacing, it has no crosses and diagonal. Pass the cord through the bottom hole shoe so that the end had gone inside. Right side of the lift up, insert the top of the hole and pass to the left in a straight line. Then again lift both ends of the lace, print out, stretching to the opposite side. Cord sneakers so that the wrong side is parallel holes. Tie the laces at the top node.

Improve your technique straight lacing. Begin to tie the bottom, get the ends inward. Right lace lift up on one hole, inside print through the hole and slide from right to left into the adjacent hole, get into the end of the shoe. Another tip to apply the hole located above the next, pull it out, drag to the left. This method will provide you with accurate fashion without cross lacing auxiliary lines. The method is suitable only sneakers with an even number of holes.

Remember the general rule for tying laces on high shoes - firmly and fairly tight work near the ankle, weaker in the lower leg and foot. Learn lace sneakers and feel comfortable in them.

Tags: shoe, the method lacing