How to dress the girl high

How to dress the girl high
 Most women believe that they have good taste and trust him unconditionally when choosing clothes. However, representatives of the fashion industry and designers can offer you some tips on how to dress properly. Especially when it comes to a certain type of appearance.

Tall girl is considered to be owners of the growth of not less than 1.72. Since the time of the development of the business model the impression that models and, consequently, for girls like physique in clothing there are no restrictions. Any style and color will look good. But even with such data, there are ways more advantageous to look harmonious and beautiful.

Large growth allows a large amount of time to visually divide the figure by the horizontal lines and large items. As an example, the horizontal folds and pleats, flounces. It is necessary to emphasize femininity. This can be done with a belt at the waist, fitting clothes or proper selection of accessories.

Accessories can be selected large and expressive, the possibility of vertical lines and the presence of vivid detail. In this case, the rule "the more the better", referring to the volume, rather than quantity. It can be large beads, earrings, brooches, wide belts.

Indulge in heels. Let it be not very big, but even so, it will give an excellent result, more feminine look and good posture. Gait will be much more confident and elegant. Comfortable to wear shoes with flat soles and on a small platform, so you must be prepared for precisely such shoes, but do not take it as a basis.

Not to look awkward, were invented dresses, trousers and skirts with a high waist. Their main advantage - they are visually slimmer and give a neat appearance.

With the high growth is not recommended to wear dresses without accents at the waist. Do not attempt to visually narrow shoulders. Just be careful in choosing the very short dresses, they should not look like the "puppet."

Ornament or patterns on to choose clothes need to be large: wide strips, peas, a cell (may vary) waves.

Colors may be quite different, but should not be limited to black and white. Try adding a few things different colors.

Tags: clothes, girl, woman, wardrobe, selection