How to choose wellies

How to choose wellies
 Mother-fashion does not stand still. Who would have thought before that rubber boots are happy wearing a stylish girl? Now rubber boots - is not only fashionable, but also very convenient and comfortable. But to these boots could really bring joy to their owner, need to know how to choose them.

Now in stores a huge selection of different shoe rubber boots of different lengths, colors, models. Among this variety to choose a good rubber boots and what to look for when buying?

The most important thing - it's sole. It should be thick enough, nevertheless, flexible and soft. Stiff rigid sole difficult to move your feet and your legs will get tired quickly. The surface must be grooved soles to boots not slide.

If you liked rubber boots will be blurred picture, these boots is better not to take. This suggests poor quality rubber boots: either it is not dolili, or it is too soft. These boots are worn down quickly.

When purchasing be sure to compare the left and right boot on the same width and length. Allowed discrepancy is not more than 8 mm.

Boots should not be mechanically damaged.

Be aware that the rubber boots can be carried out as a wholly natural rubber - rubber and PVC - thermoplastic. Sole thermoplastic frost resistant and slip resistant.

The key to safety and comfort is the correct form of boots. Reinforced toes protect from injuries fingers when stumbling. The back should be firm to prevent the rapid deformation of the boot.

Rubber boots are of two types, depending on their destination: chrome - for a hike in the woods and laminated - for the city. What one species that another major factor for quality, is its tightness. To check the tightness can be poured into water boots.

This, of course, the store did not, but the quality of glued boots can be defined: in good shoes glued ribbon will not move away from the surface. It should fit snugly.

Better to choose boots with cotton lining. With synthetic your feet will sweat.

Tags: boots choice