How to care for suede boots

How to care for suede boots
 Suede, as well as her relatives suede and nubuck, considered beautiful, but impractical material. That is why we sometimes stop and deep in thought at the window with a pair of vending gorgeous suede boots. Yes, gorgeous, but what will happen after the first exit on the street slush? But if for suede shoes properly care, it does not take much trouble.

Primary treatment
Once you become a happy owner of a pair of suede shoes or boots, hurry to treat them special aerosol best nanospreem. It creates a layer on the surface of the shoe that protects from moisture and dirt, salt and chemical reagents. It is necessary to apply the spray 3 times, repeating the process after drying of the product. Then the shoes will pollute much less.

Suede shoes should be cleaned in a special way. Buy a special brush-porous sponge and foam cleaner. This will help remove dust and dirt. With more serious pollution to help cope with rubberized rubber brush teeth. A crepe brush will update the shoe, returns villae velvety.

Remember that clean boots, shoes or shoes made of suede is necessary only in dry form. And do not neglect the proven tools: wipe suede crust of rye bread, then treated with a brush and hold it over the steam.

Pick up a set of tools to care for suede shoes and regularly use them. Occasionally Freshen product using special deodorant. For storage, remove only the clean and well dried shoes, use a plastic strip to maintain the shape.

Tags: shoes, suede boots, care, storage, cleaning