Business style: hair and hairstyles

 Hairstyle plays an important role in your appearance. Hair should be dignified way to frame the face. They should not dominate your shape, shade or attractive features to attract undeserved attention.  

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Hairstyle should give head shape, creating a soft, natural, attractive background for facial features. Consider the advantages and disadvantages, evaluate what your eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, jawline and neck length. The perfect hairstyle must be created according to your individual traits. Many women to face reaching almost to his shoulders hair partially covering her ears.

Hairstyles 2008

Hair should not fall on the eyes, should not obscure them. To save the contact "face to face" is necessary to leave the distance between the hair and the eyes of approximately 6-7 millimeters - is based on shadows thrown light.

Hair should gradually go around the cheeks and chin. Big shock unmanageable hair makes appearance uncontrolled, separates it from your personality.

Avoid complicated hairstyles needing place. Usually in such cases, the hair looks like barbed wire. Everyone can name at least one familiar to him a lady, usually for 50 years, which for decades, appearing in public, never allowed to move even a hair in her hair. Do not do as easily deformed, it is difficult recoverable hairstyles that fall apart at the slightest breeze. Hairstyle, requires constant vigilance, unprofitable attracts attention. Lowering the hair from your eyes, shifting strands and other vanity - all distracting gestures. Make a simple, easily restored haircut - and it is desirable that the hair while it was possible to wash every day and to the creation of hairstyles did not take long - it would be a reasonable solution.

Finding one attractive style, stick with it - at least for a few years. There is no need to change her hair before every public appearance. Podyschu reliable barber who would be doing with your hair that you like.

Hair color.If possible, avoid unnatural hair color, because it is practically impossible to hide the artificiality. Sooner or later, the hair roots become visible and require a new color. The cameras increase the imbalance between the colors dark roots and discolored ends.

In addition, the chemical damage hair dyes cleave their ends. Cameras often distort color - they can turn "unnatural blondes" in women with hair copper shade or even bright red.

Believe it or not, but natural hair color - the most suitable for you (even when you sedeet). Graying at the temples looks very impressively. By the way, do not forget, the best color for the camera - it was a grayish color of the metal. The older you get, the less natural looking hair, painted black. They are identical in color over the entire surface of the head, whereas the natural hair color generally has many shades.

Tags: hair, haircut, style