How to walk in high heels

How to walk in high heels
 High heels are considered feminine and sexy. They extend the line of the body, making you look slimmer. But after a long wearing heels legs begin to buzz, there is pain, back pain, fatigue. Even the most avid supporters of heels periodically experiencing discomfort and pain. How can wear high heels painless leg and waist?

Nice walk on his heels - this is certainly a science. Comprehend it is not difficult, but it is worth to work in the practical part and theoretical.

Before you choose a shoe with a heel, try to answer the question: why bother to walk on his heels, if it is so difficult, is not always convenient, comfortable, and, as the doctors say, it is not good for your health? The answer is always the same: walking in heels is much different from the tread, which we demonstrate flaunting waddling in sneakers or comfortable shoes trampled. Heeled gait (correct and beautiful) becomes easier, flying, graceful figure looks very different: the buttocks tightened, retracted abdomen, leg becomes visually slimmer and longer. It can certainly be harmful to the spine, waist, but only if the heels abuse, especially if you can not walk on them - toed, hobbles, thereby spoiling their health.

If you do not wear shoes with high heels "and feast in the world," and you do not have to run to them every day marathon in a few hours, then you can be sure that the heels will not bring harm, but merely add you femininity.

Often ugly gait and stooped posture developed by uncertainty. Learning to walk properly - a trick and desires. Women are very important to learn this art. To do this, you must remember a few important tips.

Before wearing shoes, try to be like her in the house. So you need to walk a few hours to see how comfortable you feel in it.

When walking in high heels should be placed on the ground heel first, and then the foot.

Back and shoulders definitely need to keep straight. Many women tend to slouch when walking in high heels. To balance must be lightly waving his arms and keep your back straight.

An important point in teaching proper walking in heels - forward foot moves first, and then the body. In any case not vice versa. And that will not be a smooth gait, calm and choppy. May occur and another error - with each step you will start to bounce slightly. The length of the correct steps should equal the length of your foot unshod. You would think that in this case will be mincing gait? Nothing like that. One has only to try it, and you will see that go well not only correct, but also very convenient. Especially because with a wider step will inevitably arise body tremors, racing head up.

Special practice requires the movement of the stairs when climbing heel and sole place at the same time in the middle of each step, and the descent is largely based on the sole, leaving the heel raised, and feel free to use the handrail.

In addition, no less important is the question of the correct choice of footwear. Buy only high-quality shoes in which you'll feel confident, sure of its size. Sitting at the foot of it should very comfortable, not rubbing and squeezing the toe or heel. Do not skimp on shoes, because from it depends largely on your health.

For beginners it is advisable not to rush into the pool with his head and not buy their high heels. By the height of the heel to get used to, so make sure you choose the best heel 5-7 cm, with moderate thickness.

Tags: heel shoes