How to straighten a leather jacket

How to straighten a leather jacket
 If the leather jacket properly stored, it may appear on the unpleasant wrinkles. Get rid of them can be effective in several ways. You can refer to the dry cleaners or bring their own clothes in order.
 Hang leather jacket on a hanger and fasten all the buttons and zippers. Leave in this position for a few days. During this time the skin will straighten naturally acquire and perfect shape. This method is suitable if the jacket contains minor creases.

To quickly deal with the problem can be another effective method. To do this, pour in hot water bath, carefully hang the jacket on a hanger and leave it in the bathroom. Close the door tightly and wait 30-40 minutes. Under the influence of steam skin quickly straighten.

If you have a steam generator, use it to smooth leather jacket. To begin with, hang clothes on hangers and bring the appliance at least 10 cm. If the skin on the handle at a distance, on it may cause condensation, which negatively affects the material. The steam generator can be replaced by iron stripping function.

To remove wrinkles on the skin using glycerol. Wet a cotton swab in the medium and gently wipe the damaged places jacket. Wait a few hours. After this time the jacket will get a neat appearance. The fact that the glycerine softens the skin and makes it more elastic.

In an extreme case, the jacket can be to iron. Place the product on an ironing board, cover with a white cloth, folded in several layers, or heavy paper. Set the lowest temperature regime on iron and iron skin, barely touching proutyuzhnika. When you are finished, hang up the jacket on a hanger. Use this method if you need to quickly bring the clothes in order, or other methods do not help.

If you are afraid to spoil expensive product or you do not have free time, seek professional help. In the dry cleaner straighten the skin gently and effectively, using special equipment.

Tags: jacket, fold