How to measure the circumference of the head

How to measure the circumference of the head
 Head circumference - the size that you need to know along with all the others. Without it will be difficult to find or make your own headdress. Measure the circumference of the head is very simple.
 Since the release of fashion model hats and head circumference for many people has become an unknown size. Therefore, in the event of a situation requiring knowledge of this parameter, the majority is in a strong difficulty.

Meanwhile, the head circumference is necessary to know the one who follows the fashion and attaches great importance to own appearance: women's hats handmade - an accessory, not knowing unparalleled elegance and attractiveness. Also can not do without this information to all those involved in active sports that require special equipment: cycling and motorcycling, snowboarding, horseback riding - classes where no special helmets simply can not do. And in order to properly choose, you must know exactly head circumference.

In adults, the size of head circumference varies between 52 and 65 centimeters. As a rule, men have larger skulls.

The easiest way to measure the circumference of the head - use a special tailor's measuring tape (tape with applied divisions). It's enough to wrap it around your head so that it passes in front of an inch above the eyebrows (about the middle of the forehead) and the back cover the most prominent part of the occipital. Note: most sartorial centimeters have a flat metal tip that protects the tape from razlohmachivaniya. Usually it closes the first centimeter tape - consider this when measurements.

If the house or under the hand during spontaneous fitting will not tailor tape, you can use an alternative method. Take the thread, lace, etc. (You can even use a long strip of paper) and wrap around the head in a manner similar work with tailor centimeter. Note the resulting length (or just cut the final segment), and then measure it with an ordinary ruler.

Tags: size, circle