How to define this skin

How to define this skin
 Leather products are beautiful, durable and expensive. They are in demand at all times. But manufacturers of modern leatherette improving day by day. Even in reputable stores with an expensive item you can stumble upon a fake, and determine it is so difficult. Sometimes artificial leather is no different in appearance from the genuine. How to identify genuine leather and not overpaying money for obvious fake?
 The most common methods for determining leatherette recently often do not work. If you've sniffed leather shoes or tried to ignite a lighter bag in an inconspicuous area, now you can forget about these methods. Modern industry has invented a special perfume, which can give the smell of the noble quality of the skin, even the most ordinary-looking boot from imitation leather. By the way, dear, well-dressed leather may have no smell. Set fire to the product also does not make sense. Manufacturers have long invented special additives in artificial skin, through which it will char just as natural.

For what else can reveal signs of a surrogate? Check how the product conducts heat. Attach the palm for a few seconds to leather stuff. Genuine leather heats up under your arms, and artificial remain cool.

Drip water on the product. If before you fake, then a drop of water remains on the surface. This skin absorbs moisture and dark. However, by the patent leather is not the case.

If you want to check the quality of the shoe, gently bend the toe to the heel. If the shoe were traces in the form of grooves, so before you product leatherette. Natural skin should quickly acquire the original form.

Try to find on the leather raw edge gizmos. On a section of artificial skin are clearly visible two layers: the upper and lower film coating fabric layer. Natural leather is not stratified and usually thicker than artificial.

To check the genuine suede, swipe across the surface of the hand. In this suede nap should deviate a little and change the color. If you do not notice the changes, then most likely you have in the hands of a fake.

No matter how vigilant you are, fall for the bait unscrupulous manufacturers or sellers is always possible. Try to buy things in the stores tested. Look at the label of the product. If a thing is made from natural ingredients, the label should be on the logo in the form of skinning. Artificial materials designated a diamond.

Tags: leather, fashion, natural, definition, leather