How to clean faux fur

How to clean faux fur
 Articles of artificial fur is very popular because of low prices and a pleasant appearance. But over time, artificial fur soiled. You can clean it at home or bring them to the dry cleaners.
 Faux fur can be cleaned with soapy water. To do this in a separate tank pour warm water - no higher than 30 ° C, add liquid soap or shampoo. Place the product on a flat surface so that you feel comfortable cleaning. Dampen a sponge in the solution, wring out and repeatedly swipe the pile. When the fur is completely cleaned, rinse lather with a clean damp cloth. Blot with a paper towel fur. Dry the product at room temperature away from radiators. Completely dry the fur comb-toothed comb with blunt teeth.

Grease stains can be derived with the help of refined gasoline. Mix it with potato starch so that a thick mass. Apply the paste on contaminated sites and wait for the fuel to evaporate. Then brush to brush off the starch and knock fur.

In some cases, refined petrol can discolor the skin. Therefore, before applying you need to ensure that this tool is safe for fur. Apply a few drops on an inconspicuous area product and wait for 3-5 minutes. If during this time with fur nothing bad happened, you can continue to remove impurities.

To cleanse the white fur Prepare the following solution. Stir in 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Pour into a spray bottle of funds received and spray evenly on artificial fur. Hang the product on a hanger and leave it on the street on a sunny day. Completely dried out fur comb comb with rare blunt teeth.

Return the white fur can be a folk remedy. In bowl, pour the water and add a little bit of home blueprints so as to obtain a pale blue solution. Dampen a sponge, gently squeeze and rub the fur on the pile. In order not to spoil the product, practice on an inconspicuous area. Keep fur wrapped in blue paper, so you can prevent the appearance of yellow.

Tags: fur