Artificial silk and real: look for differences

Artificial silk and real: look for differences
 Ability to navigate in the types of fabrics is always handy - a shame to buy the product of artificial mothers at the price of this. Silk - fabric noble and gentle, glassware nice to wear and use. Polyester or rayon also has a number of advantages.

Both types of tissue found his destiny, have fans and are widely used. To learn how to distinguish natural from artificial silk fabrics, you should know the basic parameters of the choice of fabrics:

- Tactile sensations. There are certain expectations when choosing a silk fabric - it known, pleasant to touch the structure is one of the most attractive consumer benefits. Silk is soft and warm, as it were, flowing texture, unlike artificial silk, which is always cool to the touch and less soft. If you crush the fabric in his hands, the natural material a little crumpled, wrinkled rayon stronger.

- Visual differences. Natural silk fabrics shine, but muffled and soft, slightly shimmering. Artificial leaf have a sharp luster, which is particularly evident under the influence of the light source.

- Open thread. Ragged end of the thread of artificial silk looks like a brush with the fluff fibers, and natural end of the thread - as being associated bundle of individual mini-fibers.

- Strength of the fabric. If you moisten the two strands of different fabrics, artificial and natural, and then try to break them, you can easily determine the authenticity of silk. Dry and wet silk thread torn equally difficult and wet artificial silk thread breaks more easily than dry.

- Combustion. This method is not always acceptable, but is representative and reliable. If you burn the artificial and natural silk, you can see the differences in the appearance and smell of burnt threads: original thread sintered into a tight ball, fleeting and smell singed hair and artificial filament burning down to the end, making the smell of burning synthetics.

- Shrinkage. Artificial leaf do not lose their shape and size, as opposed to natural silk, which is slightly shrinks.

- Resistance to UV light. Rayon virtually fade in the sun, natural fabrics with time lose their original color.

Tags: polyester, silk, unlike