Leggings: how and what to wear?

Leggings: how and what to wear?
 More and more women are rediscovering the easy to use, who won a special popularity in the eighties. This is called tight pants leggings. They resemble leggings or thick tights, cut to the ankle and above. Different lengths and colors of these products provides unprecedented scope for imagination, allowing you to combine them with skirts, jackets, coveralls ... However, in order to wear leggings, and it is worth remembering some of the restrictions.

Leggings - a rather dangerous clothes, since they maximize a slim cut, opening the eyes of others any shortcomings. However, the right combination with other items of clothing and the selection of color accents allows you to divert attention from not the most attractive parts of your body, balanced proportions and emphasize the dignity which you have certainly done.

The first rule of proper use of leggings, sounds quite categorically: cultural women can not afford to use these clothes instead of trousers. They will require that the top was the skirt, tunic or even a rather long jacket. Wear them as pants with short sweaters or T-shirts - a gross error. It is permissible only teenagers, and they should be treated with caution to such embodiments, wearing leggings.

The good news is that this prohibition is the main and most stringent, otherwise almost no restrictions. It is necessary to be careful when choosing shoes, leggings as often begin to look rather awkward if you wear them with flip-flops. The best option is to heel, especially for women of small stature, as some leggings conceal the body length. Very elegant with them look pretty ballerina, who also did not leave the fashion catwalks.

On sale are often spotted leggings most bizarre patterns and colors. The controversial question of how aesthetically attractive woman in leggings with leopard print - we know that the debate about taste meaningless. But allowing yourself to risky experiments, make sure that the rest of your outfit was more quiet and monotonous. An exception can only afford lady has an impeccable sense of style. These women do not need advice and are able to pick the perfect outfit, combining different patterns, lines, colors, materials ...

Choose the right top will help density leggings. Thus, the lighter options better complement elongated T-shirts, tunics flying, intercepted belt or free flowing. Tight Leggings will be more appropriate to look at the company's warm winter sweater or wool dress just above the knees.

Black leggings allow for the possibility of experimenting with shades of the upper part of the dress. It is worth noting the existence of certain restrictions on the material. Leather leggings recommended to leave for a holiday, as well as lace. Leggings from other tissues can be worn anywhere and at any time on the street with shoes or sandals in the gym with sneakers in the store with sandals, etc.

Today there are so many different models of leggings, which differ not only in color and fabric, but also in length. Along with the standard length to the ankle there are also options to mid-calf and even closing the foot. The latter, however, play a more functional role, allowing warm during the cold season. They are almost exclusively with boots or other closed shoes and made mostly of warm fabrics. As to how to wear leggings to mid-calf, it is worth noting that this is quite a dangerous length, which can only afford a woman rather tall and well-proportioned. However, they should avoid too long tunics and sweaters: it is better to stay on the version of the mini-skirts or shorts, as well as shortened the dress.

Tags: fashion mix, leggings, leggings