How to learn to dress with style!

 "Style - this is the dress of thought," - said Earl of Chesterfield. Being fashionable and stylish - not the same thing. You open a fashion magazine and see the stars. They are all dressed in the latest trends of the season, but they look stylish?  

Fashion in its purest form - as distilled water - odorless and tasteless. Dress tastefully, create your own individual way - this is the style! That's what we strive for. Stylish woman will always be in the spotlight. Men admire her and her rivals are trying to emulate.

To be stylish to remember and apply the following rules:

1. Do not seek to imitate her friends and colleagues, even if what they are, you really like, otherwise you will lose their reflection and individuality.

2. Be aware of fashion and in the formation of his way to follow the latest trends - it will only strengthen the image.

3. Do not buy counterfeits firm: or your colleague you see through, or you speak, or subconscious will constrain your behavior and demeanor free and enjoy themselves.

In any case, the result is - the image will be the same fake, like clothes.

4. Do not feel sorry for old things two years ago, and if it is a pity to leave - to continue wearing the country. And here's something from my grandmother's trunk - it is vintage.

5. Track the latest trends in fashion for magazines or browse articles on the Internet.

6. If possible, take advantage of such a great invention as a directory to make their trips to the shops in an exciting shopping.