French style of dress

French style of dress
 Refinement, sophistication, elegance - all these definitions are suitable for the characteristics of the French way of dressing. But equally important are its components practicality, convenience and naturalness, which is impossible to forget, trying to embody in their way of true French chic.

Sometimes it seems that a sense of style in the blood of these Frenchwomen. Paris has long been the capital of fashion. France gave the world the whole galaxy of names of talented designers, forever changed the history of fashion: Coco Chanel, Pierre Cardin, Yves Saint Laurent. In this case, by the Parisian clothing inherent in certain conservatism.

The basis of the wardrobe is a strict dress cases, formal trousers with an arrow, medium length skirts trapeze and pencil skirt, a coat of clear silhouettes. More modern items of clothing are compensated selection of traditional accessories. So, along with jeans preferable to wear dress shoes, not sandals. Parisian wear things that fit well on them, not paying attention too, as often flashed the selected style on the cover of "Cosmopolitan".

The main criterion when buying a new piece of clothing is a popular brand in the fashion or cut, but the quality. Let wardrobe was breaking from hundreds of different T-shirts, dresses and jackets, but all things fit together and serve more than one season. Love for expensive things explained practicality inherent in the French character. Cashmere sweaters, trousers made of fine wool, high-quality leather shoes is an example of simplicity and elegance.

The palette of colors inherent in the French style, based on the dark tones. Love is not easily soiled in shades of brown, gray and, of course, black remains unchanged for many years. Black is a favorite: it is combined with all colors and is absolutely all women. Bright flashy colors did not inherent in Parisian style. If the color is present, it is represented by its most delicate shade: powdered pink, olive, smoky blue, cream.

French style is based on the harmonious use of accessories. By their quality of special requirements, so a pair of gloves can cost almost more than a coat and shoes together. Accessories designed to emphasize the femininity of their owner. The most "French" things are a variety of scarves. They, unlike the rest of the clothes may be the brightest colors, reviving the image of color spots. For the cold season obligatory small graceful hats and berets especially for rainy days - walking-stick umbrellas. Summer sunglasses handy in low-key frame of different shapes.

Tags: clothes, style, fashion, French chic