Shoes with pheromones

Shoes with pheromones
 Easy to do, as if sculpted from marble ankle, foot graceful, flying gait - it would seem that you can still come up with to attract men. It turns out that's not all. Why not try the shoes with pheromones - a weapon that will hit right on target? Add to the visual perception of irritation of sensory receptors - and ready love potion. Science Biology - a serious thing, and physiology is subject to biological laws. In women, there was a major weapon of seduction, men should be prepared.

After pheromones were discovered and invented a synthetic route for their preparation, which only added to any of their scientists and designers. Is not news that there is a perfume with pheromones, pheromone teas, scented candles and other such delights. It was not enough. Now it was the turn of shoes, in particular shoes.

Though in the case of shoes would be more correct to say that not the shoes pheromones, but rather, it stimulates their production in humans. This happens when a special insole while walking is putting pressure on certain points on the foot. These points are connected with nerve endings that provide signals to the brain to produce pheromones by special glands.

As a woman wearing shoes, is aware of this property of insoles, it can control the process. Getting up, for example, on your toes or just walking up to the interlocutor, the lady can increase or decrease the production of pheromones.

Feed pheromones produced immediately, but step by step. Therefore, the action of shoes begins only after their owners used them for a while. After the lady took off her shoes, pheromones flow unabated immediately, and gradually subsides. This is very useful if, during the seduction, if necessary, will have to take off our shoes.

This invention will not only help increase the sale of shoes, but also give a new food science. Will be able to study the characteristics of production of pheromones in individual representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

If these methods of seduction firmly come into our lives, men will have no choice but to communicate with the ladies only in a situation involving bare feet, or surrender at discretion.

Tags: heel, shoe, foot, attractiveness, receptor