How to extend the life of your shoes

How to extend the life of your shoes
 Shoes for operation as exposed to external influences in the form of rain and mud, and internal (wet feet). If you do not take any action that will improve her condition, the service life can be reduced to a minimum.

To extend the life of your shoes, it is necessary to look after them carefully. Care must start with stickers layer polyurethane leather sole. This is to ensure that it does not slip and is not erased quickly.

The habit of brushing shoes every day, not only discipline but also helps extend the life of the shoe. Clean the shoes better after coming off the street. Wipe them with a damp cloth first, and then dry. Thoroughly dry the shoes.

Wear shoes, using the blade shoe, then backs retain firmness. If the shoes wet, lubricate them with vaseline after they dry. Water stains vinegar cleans well. After drying, the shoes have to grease cream and rub his shoe brush. Dry shoes at room temperature.

When cleaning the colored shoes is better to use creams colorless. Textile top shoes can be washed with soap and water, adding a solution of ammonia. Grease spots with such shoes will help remove the gasoline.

To restore the color of shoes, you should use special sprays that color. Apply the product only on dry skin shoes. Shoes light or white tones is recommended to clean with a mixture of milk and whipped egg white.

Suede shoes before wearable should be treated with a special tool that protects against moisture and dirt. Never clean suede shoes, it can lose elasticity and pogrubet.

If your shoes are covered with paint, wipe them sometimes special polish. You can use folk remedy: wash patent leather shoes with a cloth soaked in milk, and after drying, wipe them with half of the bulb.

Use wooden shoe lasts, or of the frames when dry shoes. Such devices allow to spread the folds of the foot and keep the original look. In the absence of shoes, you can simply fill the shoes with newspaper. In winter, they are well preserved in this way.

The life of the net shoe order of magnitude higher than dirty. If dirty leather shoes wash foam sponge soaked in shampoo or liquid soap, rinse with warm water solution, and after the shoes are dry, brush them with cream.

Tags: shoes, life, shoes, shoe