Galoshes are back in fashion

Galoshes are back in fashion
 Your grandparents wore galoshes, so as not to get his feet wet in the rain. Now they also produce and buy. Make them very beautiful, that they attract the attention of others.

In Russia now do not let these overshoes, which could arrange the inhabitants of the modern metropolis, and those who produce, you can wear except for a laugh. But it is possible to buy American-made galoshes. Their cost is quite small, they are thin and light. Usually their shoes on the classic men's shoes to shoes were clean and sparkling like new.

The history of the present galoshes started just with the Americans, after Charles Goodyear was discovered vulcanization process. Since then, the industry began to produce rubber boots that protect the shoes. In Russia, the first such factory founded by Ferdinand Krauzkopf in 1860. And soon almost all the inhabitants of the cities began to walk in galoshes. But after 1917 gradually stopped wearing them.

More recently, almost no one thought of galoshes. Now they began to wear, because it is quite practical and convenient. They are very useful, because protect shoes from dirt and chemicals, less slide on our sidewalks in winter. Galoshes awaken positive feelings not only for those who are wearing them, but those who saw a man in galoshes and smiled. Apparently, that is what is worth loving and galoshes.

Modern galoshes are able to meet the needs of almost any inhabitant metropolis in the beauty and comfort. Bottom galoshes made of special rubber, the top - of the heat insulating and waterproof material. For women's galoshes an opening for the heel to the sole and zipper. They are made of elastic material and easily take the shape of a boot, making it extremely easy to use. Women overshoes can be of different colors, and you can pick them up for any footwear: shoes, boots and boots.

Ease of galoshes you can experience not only on the street, because they allow you to maintain cleanliness wherever there is their owner. For example, removing the galoshes at work, you do not need to change shoes and a sports club or beauty salon superfluous to wear shoe covers.

Tags: leg, fashion, galoshes