Exercises for those who walk in high heels

Exercises for those who walk in high heels
 The legs are very tired of heels, but the beauty demands victims. There are several exercises that you will be doing less tired from the heels. Also, they will help you find the gait mannequins, and generally be at the height of the literal and figurative sense.

From a long walking in heels you may see weakness in the Achilles tendon. It is 5-6 inches above the heel. Start doing exercises to strengthen their muscles. Stand on your left foot, then lift your right knee. Moreover, in this position the hip must be parallel to the floor. Abdominal muscles must also be in tension. Fix the position for 30 seconds. At first, you will not be easy, so you can rely on the back of a chair. Repeat 5 times with each leg. It will allow you to keep better balance.

Razuytes socks and stand on the edge of the stairs. Then lower your heels as low as possible and secure the position for 30 seconds. Then again lift. Continue to understand and lower heels. In this exercise, you will feel the tension of the lower leg to the heel. Remove the usual tired feet will help you foot bath with chamomile.

When walking in heels, it is important to feel the center of gravity. Wear shoes with heels, then get up and straighten legs keep shoulder width apart. Start rotation of the hips from side to side. When you take a step, then put your weight on the toe, heel as unstable, and you may fall.

Tags: muscle, heel, exercise