Ballerinas ... not only for ballet

Ballerinas ... not only for ballet
 Ballerinas - is not only a professional footwear dancers, but also comfortable casual shoes, popular modern girl, thanks to the comfort and reliability.
 Many women prefer heeled shoes ballet flats is, considering them more functional and comfortable. Some psychologists and avid shopaholics argue that the type of shoe that selects woman can tell a lot about her. Perhaps this has some truth, but do not categorical conclusions necessary.

There is a misconception that lovers of high heels, for the most part - fatal seductress, and the fair sex, preferring a more athletic shoe models - more shackled and unfeminine. It is a myth, as if anyone says! The main criteria for the selection of shoes are the following factors - comfort, quality and relevance of the selected image. Unfortunately, not all follow these simple rules.

Ballerinas have become an integral part of women's wardrobe. Especially popular they are young girls who prefer an active lifestyle. But not so long ago, many people looked down on fans of ballet shoes, shoes considering such tasteless. New age fashion industry brings new trends. Today ballerina took pride of place in the wardrobe of many celebrities. So it's worth a try to buy any model. Variety of bright colors and trendy styles allows you to choose exactly what you want.

But note that the ballerina is absolutely not relevant with long, narrow trousers, with a business style in clothes. Also, remember that it is lightweight shoes, which is not intended for cloudy and rainy weather. Ideal option for ballet shoes will light flowing dresses or simple jeans and skirts, but it all depends on the model and individual preferences. Gait becomes easier, graceful, "flying" and, indeed, remind others some ballet pas, like the movement of professional dancers.

Tags: Shoes, functionality, ballet, comfort, ease