Art walk on his heels

Art walk on his heels
 Women who wear high-heeled shoes, look more attractive in the eyes of men, which is not surprising, because these shoes are literally transforms them. Wear shoes with heels, and you will feel drawn into the stomach, you right and become slimmer and sleeker. And immediately rising up! And if you belong to that rare category of women who can not walk on his heels, you have lost a lot in life. Learn and try, because it's worth it.
 Immediately on the heels to stand and walk on their long distance flying gait relaxed and you do not succeed, because, in fact, the musculoskeletal system of man is not fit for such circulation.

If you've never stood on his heels, then you will first need to feel and get used to the new center of gravity and develop correct gait. To do this, try your hand by wearing shoes with heels no higher than two inches. Moreover, choose stable heel or tankette. Walk in them at least an hour a day, and when you feel confident, go to a different height.

If you went to the store, Determined to buy beautiful shoes with high heels, keep in mind that they are unlikely you will need for everyday wear. These are the feasts, parties and special occasions - that's another matter. To do this, try and, therefore, do not buy that horrible. Your high-heeled shoes should be qualitative as well as ideally suited to you in size and fullness. They should not hang out at you, push or slide. In addition, you should pay attention to how comfortable you feel in them. This depends on the pads, and it is necessary to pick up individually by trial.

But even if you bought the perfect pair of shoes to wear it directly on any event will be a rash move on your part. To the first day not to rub his feet and for all not to lose the desire to use high heel shoes, try to carry home. Walk in them, at least over a quarter of an hour, and at the same time learn to wear.

By the way, experienced women are advised to wear a pair of high-heeled pencil skirt. It is somewhat constrains the movement, and even if you even try to march in the new shoes wide commanding step to do it in a narrow skirt you just will not work. Your pitch should equal the length of the foot.

Remember that in step involved the entire foot, the movement should begin with the heel (for a split second) and a smooth transition to toe. Socks shoes you should not put exactly (it will look awkward), and a little outwards. Knees should be slightly bent when you transfer them to the center of gravity. Do not forget that the woman starts to go "from the hip".

Align and try to keep track of your posture: back should be straight and chin should "look" forward and not to fall down. If you slouch, you come across as a very insecure woman. Remember, as they produce the correct posture 150 years ago on top of "determined" book. Can take advantage of this experience.

And finally, never run at breakneck speed, in high heels. Firstly, it looks ridiculous, and, secondly, can easily get a dislocation, especially if you do not have sufficient experience of walking in such shoes. Try to walk smoothly and with dignity.

And when he returned home, do not forget that the legs (and shoes) must be protected. Therefore, clean shoes and tired legs Give rest in the tub with warm water.

Tags: heel, shoes, walking, art, skill