Pay attention to the information provided on the label and carton. Production of these UGG boots placed in Vietnam and China. If the boots are positioned as produced in New Zealand, before you fake. Genuine Ugg boots also can not be shipped directly from the factory in China.
By UGG Australia boots can not be attached tags, and they are not included branded bags. Boots are packed in bags of a biodegradable material. Picture of a model applied to the box should be in color, and the top of the bar code, which is located in the upper right corner of the sticker must be red.
In the seam or on the sole of the left boot should have a protective label UGG Australia with holograms in the form of suns. On the box itself is also plotted in the form of a hologram strips, depending on the angle of incidence of light changes color from light to dark.
Pinch fur boots in one hand while pulling the skin on the outside. If you find two layers stitched together - a sign of forgery. Genuine sheepskin is a single layer having two sides - the fur and skin. This fur is thick, fluffy and has a creamy shade. Artificial same thinner, greyish and may peel off. The fur on the inside of the shaft of these matches the color of UGG boots themselves and sheepskin footbed for a natural cream color. Fake boots made of artificially dyed fur, synthetic paint smell.
Measure the thickness of the sole of the boots: UGG Australia at present it is about 13 mm. Sole forgery will be thinner by 6-7 mm. Try to bend the sole. In authentic boots, it is very flexible, have a fake, on the contrary, tough.