Treads: true and sexy

Treads: true and sexy
 Treads - a real godsend for those who like to attract admiring glances from men and be in the center of attention. These shoes make feet incredibly attractive and slim. Over the past seasons boots do not leave the podium.

Today boots not only a symbol of boldness and sexuality, but also a sign of style. They survived for three hundred years, and not every modern fashionista knows that this shoe was originally part of the military uniforms of European soldiers. Only in the 60s of the twentieth century they paid attention emancipated ladies, eager to prove their independence and to shock the audience. Indeed boots in a duet with a short skirt and a true cause confusion in those days. Gradually, this kind of shoes became associated with ladies of easy virtue, and if a woman chooses boots, it can be suspected in poor taste.

Fashion returns to its roots. And boots are back again to conquer the fashion Olympus, and I must admit it is managed with a vengeance, because they are the main shoe trend of recent seasons. Relevant now tight, very high boots, more reminiscent of stockings. They effectively highlight the beauty of the legs.

For everyday life is better to choose the model of neutral color: black or white. Red shoes worth keeping for hiking in nightclubs. Very sexy and elegant look boots, decorated with buttons, laces, buckles. They can also be trimmed with fur.

This kind of shoes involves democratic choice. High heel and a pointed nose or flat sole and rounded nose - fashionista can choose to your taste, because in any case it will be stylish and fashionable.

To really look sexy but not vulgar and ridiculous, these shoes should be properly combined with the rest of the wardrobe. It is best to combine them with a short skirt or extended slinky sweater. It is worth noting that the neckline and boots are incompatible things. Low fashionable women should not choose boots flat shoes, otherwise they will become like them at the cat in boots.

Tags: jackboot