The history of things: rubber boots

The history of things: rubber boots
 People's desire for practicality and comfort contributes to the transformation of things that were previously used only in applications, an essential attribute of a wardrobe. Functional rubber boots, which were originally intended for outdoor enthusiasts, with a light hand of stars contributing to the popularization of this shoe is now present in the latest collections of international designers.
 According to one version, the first mention of a shoe that does not get wet feet, found in one of the treatises of Gaius Julius Caesar. Indians of South America lowered feet in the juice of the rubber tree, which after drying forms a waterproof layer. This technology was borrowed by Europeans after the discovery of the South American continent.

Fabric covers impregnated rubber sap, which came up in the beginning of the XIX century, a resident of London, Mr. Radley, cracked in the cold and melted at high temperatures. Point in this story set Charles Goodyear: combining under high temperatures rubber with sulfur, was an American rubber, which he called "vegetable leather". So, thanks to the method of curing, the mass production of rubber footwear.

American Hiram Hutchinson, in the 60-ies of the XIX century, bought the patent Goodyear, founded the company Aigle, which was engaged in the manufacture of rubber boots. After the unprecedented commercial success, production, originally housed in a small French town of Montargis, had to be moved to a vast territory of the former US military base located near Chatellerault. Aigle company operates to this day.

Another major brand - Hunter, founded in 1856 by Americans Spencer Parmelee and Henry Norris, as the name implies, was originally chosen as a target audience for the distribution of its products hunters, riders and country lovers. Top model Kate Moss, in 2005 appeared in the black "Hunter" at a rock festival in Glastonbury, helped to make this functional shoes in one of the elements of style.

 In the UK, rubber boots called "Wellington" in honor of the commander of the army of the Duke of Wellington, on behalf of which the modification was made military jackboot sample of the XVIII century. Classic "Wellington" is present even in the locker room of the royal family, available in green.

In the Soviet Union, rubber boots appeared in the 1920s, reaching a peak of popularity in 50 years. In Spain, rubber shoes called "Katya". A Finnish production of rubber boots at the time was engaged in the company Nokia, now specializing in mobile phones.

In recent years become popular lightweight and durable PVC boots. This material makes it possible to create a bright color different shoes having patterns on the surface. Net of PVC is its environmentally unfriendly.

Tags: thing, boots, story producer