How to wear high heels

How to wear high heels
 High heels - it's incredibly stylish, fashionable, beautiful, attractive ... But that's useful right? Unfortunately, doctors say that lovers to wear shoes or boots with heels at risk of becoming owners of a wide variety of diseases - from varicose veins to osteoarthritis. On the other hand, if you wear shoes with high heels and rarely correctly, you can avoid health problems and always look attractive.
 No more than 2-4 hours a day - so much time, according to doctors, can be a healthy way to wear shoes with heels. If possible, high-heeled shoes should be removed at least five minutes, to carry a small charge for the toes, do a little massage and foot to rest.

In that case you will have access to the light (restaurant, theater, party), where the high heel is part of a specific dress code for women, you can use fitoterapevta recommendations. A couple of weeks before the event, try to drink away the course of the infusion of yarrow: Brew one teaspoon of dried herbs cup of boiling water. Infuse the mixture should be ten to twenty minutes, and take half an hour before eating two tablespoons.

In the evening, after a long walking in heels, be sure to make a foot bath. Excellent tool - an ordinary black tea. Prepare the tea leaves and add the tea infusion in a bowl of warm water (for example, in a conventional bowl). Take a foot bath for ten to fifteen minutes. Then dry feet should be lubricated with a special cream or castor oil. Before going to bed, wear cotton socks on his feet.

By the way, experts believe that there is a way to wear high heels with little or no harm to health. The most important thing - this is the correct posture. In order to determine how well you keep your back, just look at yourself in the mirror. Relax, take a familiar pose. In the event that between the ankle and hip, knee and ear can not draw a straight line, then you need to see to posture.

Slightly lift your head, relax your shoulders, straighten your back and pull your little chest and stomach. Then bring your knees, and finally straightened. Teach yourself to the correct position of the body, and you can make wearing studs easy and comfortable. However, remember that too carried away high heels still not worth it.

Tags: shoe