How to spread shoes

How to spread shoes
 New shoes - a pleasant shopping. But no matter how careful you do not choose the model of shoes and picked up her size, new thing at the first sock may not be too comfortable. New shoes can press and rub his leg, so before you wear them to work or even walk, better pre distribute shoes at home.
 First of all grease uppers cream. If you buy a special tool for "posting" shoes, it will be the best option. If this cream you do not, you can use a regular shoe polish that matches the color and material of your shoe. Even if its in your home will not appear, suitable even for children cream.

The first layer of cream, apply a thick layer and leave the shoes in this way for 15 minutes. Then the remnants of funds spread evenly over the shoe brush. After completely absorbed apply another thick layer of it and not rubbing it, leave shoes at night.

The day starts break in shoes, leather which has become much softer and more elastic. Break in your shoes for 1 hour every day, and a week later you will notice that the shoes have become much easier. To prevent calluses skin on the feet, where the shoes you rub, cover tape.

If this method did not posting Shine your shoes comfortable, buy foam for posting, which is applied to the inside of the shoes.

Old people's way of increasing the amount of shoes - fill it with wet newspapers and leave for the night - not suitable for normal posting shoes. Humidified shoes really getting wider, but after drying becomes even longer. For this reason, it is impossible to dry the shoes near heating appliances.

For raznashivaniya narrow shoes, you can use alcohol. Shoes alcohol grease on the inside, put on socks and shoes break in an hour. This method is good for patent shoes, which is difficult to you post. But we should remember that excess alcohol can damage the material of the shoe and spoil its color. Therefore, use a small amount of alcohol, and while it evaporates completely, do not wear shoes in the street, or your feet can get color shoes.

Alcohol is not suitable for posting suede shoes, fabric and rubber. In this case, helps normal beer. Drench beer inside the shoes, put on socks and shoes break in moistened. So do a few days. The smell of beer is well weathered, if the shoes to dry in the open air.

Tags: shoes, shoe