How to clean suede shoes

How to clean suede shoes
 Correctly matched shoes suede is not only profitable emphasizes the beauty of your feet, but also requires constant care. So that it retains its original appearance as long as possible, properly clean it after every wear, and then it will please you more than one season.
 If the shoes stained with mud, be sure to wait until it is completely dry, and only then proceed to cleaning. Rubber or silicone brush to remove dirt and dust suede. Remember, the shorter the pile, the harder the brush should be.

Prepare soapy water and add 5-6 drops of ammonia (two liters of solution). Remove with the help of fat and other stains from shoes.

If the grease is not moved, try to remove them using gasoline or sprinkle talcum powder. At the end of 2-3 hours, clean the shoes of talc with a wire brush.

To clean oil stains from shoes made of brown suede, carefully clean them with a brush dipped in tea leaves, and after they dry up - dry brush.

Do not wet shoes much, as this may lead to a rather unpleasant whitish spots. Washed first shoes wipe with a damp cloth and then dry tamp heavy paper or old newspapers and leave it in this form until dry.

At the request instead of soap solution, you can use a special spray for normal or smooth suede. Spray on the material and just let it soak.

To return suede softness and raise the nap, her comb brush. The product will also return its original form, if you hold it over a little steam and lightly rubs brush.

If the color of the shoes has changed, restore it with a tonal suede spray, thus clearly follow the instructions that came with it. Use spray in a well ventilated area, in this case allocated to them very quickly erode poisons and will not harm your health.

To avoid deformation and damage of shoes after wet cleaning in any case do not dry it near a heater.

Tags: shoes, suede cleaning