History of shoes

History of shoes
 In women's shoes are very rich history. Their first prototype appeared in ancient Rome, and bore little resemblance to modern "boats." Since then, the shoe always stays on the female legs, changing, but not changing his mistress.

The word "shoe" - the very elegance, and always brings to mind a picture of elegant and sophisticated women "boats" chiselled on heels. Meanwhile, the modern form of shoes acquired relatively recently.

It is believed that the birthplace of the first pair of shoes was Ancient Rome. Of course, even in ancient Greece, women began to wear shoes in which the sides were covered feet dangling pieces of skin. However, it still had sandals.

It was in ancient Rome were the first shoes - kaltsei. Wore them, both men and women. Moreover, women preferred white shoes, Men - black. Romans and Roman women did not go without shoes even in the house.

As time went on, and shoes, already more similar to its modern companions became more graceful and elegant. Not without incidents. In the XII century the French Gothic style appeared.

The era characterized by shoes of rough skin with cuffs and side lacing. But the most remarkable thing in the Gothic shoes - its length, which is often greater than the length of the foot of the wearer and a half to two times.

The richer was the owner of the shoe, the longer socks were his shoes. At times their length was 70 cm, and the owner of this luxury was forced to wear a seat stuffed with rags, straw (not to wince) socks to shoes bracelets at the knees.

By XV century shoes "settled down" and adopted a more modest shape. Then became fashionable shoes with a slightly pointed toes. Baroque era brought into fashion shoes with buckles and heels worn by both men and women.

Yes, men also wore heels. There was even talk that the heel at all for the first time appeared on the shoes of a certain representative men of the tribe, terribly complex about his height.

The ensuing Rococo era has transformed women's shoes to jewelry, embroidered with jewels, lace, ribbons and decorated with ostrich feathers. In fashion pomp, splendor, pointed toes and high heels.

After the French Revolution, however, in favor austerity. Ladies no longer sported high heels and shoes have become very similar to modern ballet flats.

XIX century elegant ladies' shoes back heel. All centenary toes shoes then became square, then call it a day, then zauzhalis, until eventually the shoe does not become kind, not much different from today's "boat".

XX century has spawned an incredible number of styles of shoes and heels. In just one century they had invented as much as not invented for the previous few thousand years. But the fashion industry does not stop, constantly inventing new models of women's shoes. To the delight of fashionistas.

Tags: heels, model, history, shoes, fashion shoe