High Heel: I want to wear, but do not know how

High Heel: I want to wear, but do not know how
 High heels look very elegant, and the figure seems taller and slimmer. But as you can often see women who are not able to walk on his heels and hobble on bent legs. Wearing high heels is not so difficult, you just have to spend on something to get used to them, a little time and effort.

When little girls dream about what they can do when they grow up, one of the points is necessarily wearing shoes with heels. For while mom does not allow them to wear shoes with heels. But then they forget about it, grow, spending time in comfortable shoes, and at some point it turns out that the girl does not know how to walk in high heels.

The reason that has to start wearing heels, often very simple - nature makes itself felt. And in the shoe store instead of the usual and comfortable shoes flat shoes look freezes before high heels. Example - divine! Not what a woman can be kept in such a situation. But at home a thought: and on these stilts to move?

To learn how to walk in high heels, it is better to take the shoes with a heel is not too radical, especially if you've preferred a flat sole. 6-8 inches will suffice. First heels desirably selected so as to be resilient. Another trick - summer shoes and sandals are generally less stable than in the fall or spring boots and ankle boots. Therefore, in the off-season to start to be friends with heels much easier just to do it in the dry season and, of course, in the absence of snow.

Terms of gait on heels are quite simple.

The step size is approximately equal to the length of the foot. If you're used to walk well, as a soldier in the ranks, then walk on his heels so it will not look, and is difficult to make such shoes stride.

In no case should not lean forward and slouch. Straight posture, head and shoulders on the same line, the blades back slightly.

Attack should be first on the heel, and then to the rest of the sole. Socks with every step look a bit out, but the heel when walking a straight line.

Special rules exist for the stairs. When lifting the need to put the whole foot on the step, including the heel, not just socks. A downhill, on the contrary, one should go if on tiptoe. If at first difficult to keep balance, lean on the railing.

Remember that the master chic and elegant walk in heels every woman can, but that's a long walk on them are not too good for your health.

Tags: heel gait stud