Heels: to wear or not

Heels: to wear or not
 Oh, how women love to wear high heels, fluttering them like exotic butterflies. And more men like to look at women's legs thin, elegant heels, and it makes women wear them a lot, often and long. But nice - does not mean safe.
 Each fashion season brings a form and your heel height adjustments. However, physicians are divided into three main heels size: low - up to 6 inches, medium - from 6 to 8, and 5 inches high - more than 8, 5 centimeters.

With the increase in the height of the heel increases the risk of health problems, especially for long wearing.

Most harmless heel - height of 2-3 cm. This height corresponds to the most natural from the physiological point of view, the situation of the human foot, and hence the legs of a shoe with a heel height will not be hurt.

The height of 3-6 inches will make the legs to pass the adaptation period for 2 - 4 weeks. The higher the heel, the longer it may take time getting used to.

By the heel height of 8-15 centimeters legs can not get used to never. In this case, women's legs can help out only super comfortable shoes and softest leather. However, even in this case, after a few hours your feet begin to hurt and swell.

The most harmful form of shoes for the feet - sharp-nosed on thin high heels.

Wearing heels is best to start after 23 years - this time ends physiological formation feet. If you really love to wear heels, then at least choose a height of less than 6 inches.

If the evening your legs swell and hurt in the first place think about how to reduce the height of the heel, then make sure that your shoes comfortable shoes. If this is OK, reflect on, to start wearing a comfortable and comfortable shoes, which, incidentally, can also be beautiful, elegant and sexy.

Suffer because of the beauty and suffering constant discomfort due to a desire to please the male gender is not necessary. Otherwise, you can "earn" offset joints, back pain, persistent leg cramps and other diseases.

Women with varicose veins, flat feet, arthritis, completeness, as well as during pregnancy should refrain from wearing heels.

Constant wearing of high heels, especially uncomfortable shoe leather and poor quality can lead to weight and fatigue in the legs, corns, leg cramps, swelling, numbness and tingling, itching, cramping, pain, appearance of spider veins and venous nodes. Arthritis and arthrosis of the knee may also occur due to constant wear uncomfortable shoes with high heels.

Perhaps, given the ever-increasing pace of life, as well as the fact that our women have to carry a huge amount of work and responsibilities, and at the same time want to stay beautiful, should take the example of European women: in everyday life wear shoes with low heels to 2 centimeters or flat shoes and high output pin to wear on special occasions.

Tags: heel, no