From what to wear sneakers with heels

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 Every person on earth has their own opinion at the expense of this kind of shoes. Statistics showed strange results - 50% to 50%. Some of the innovation, and others - against. That's because those ladies who are against, are set to the same question - what to wear shoes with heels?

Yes, indeed, this question did not immediately respond, because the history of these unusual shoes rather banal. Came up with their American stripper Ciara, she just sticked transparent heels to his old kedam, and voila - shoes with heels!

Since Ciara by this time become very famous, its innovation is not long in coming and gained a lot of fans. Some forked style turns out, like feminine, and at the same time very casually. That's right, creator wore them with short shorts and a dark, transparent in the neck blouse.

Now everything is much easier. To find a place in your wardrobe for such extravagant shoes, you must be a lover of clubbing or very bright person who knows how to stand out from the crowd.

A huge number of models of shoes appeared in recent years, and a spark in the fire began just ordinary sneakers, but not with the usual rubber platform for us, but with an elegant heel. There are many shoes that will stop looking at him, but shoes with heels especially excite.

Many women find this style very vulgar, but the teenagers just "squeak" of it. But not to indulge in this second stereotypes. At the present time there are many models that will suit even the great prude, and most importantly give it an irreplaceable flavor. One has only to look at the web site, and you will see how many combinations you can think of.

Of course, the best sneakers to heels with jeans. A great option is to put "ripped" skinny jeans and sneakers with heels. No less impressive sneakers will look in high heels with short shorts. A kind of beach style. However, in this case it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the figure. If you are the owner of a beautiful, slender and long legs - it's your style. But if you have a little bit of growth and thickish legs, it is not necessary to emphasize the lack of even more. You'd better fit cut breeches.

Do not hesitate to new images and reveals his soul into new styles.

Tags: heels, model, shoes, sneakers, innovation