How to wear colored tights

How to wear colored tights
 Today in the arsenal of fashionistas has a lot of variety of accessories that can not only emphasize the attractiveness, but also to achieve a bombshell. Colored tights - one of them. If you still have looked at this invention fashion with interest and apprehension, but he can not decide - be bold. Believe me, wearing colored tights is no more difficult than plain.
 Think that colored tights are just teenagers-informals or personality too extravagant and extraordinary -error. Any woman, even working in the office, can afford this spectacular piece wardrobe, if you show the skill and taste. In fact, the basic principle of wearing colored tights exactly the same as any bright clothing items or accessories - it is important to be able to find the right combination.

First of all, determine how much emphasis you going to do on the tights. If your task is only slightly enhance the beauty of the legs and bring them extra attention, we can restrict patterned tights models or pale shades. But for those who want to combat outright juicy combination of elements of clothes and make an impression that will be remembered for a long time, fit the most unusual and extravagant color prints.

Remember a sense of proportion. If you decide to wear a brightly colored tights, the rest of your clothes should be less bold colors to create the necessary emphasis on the legs and not to harm the integrity of the image. Also, do not get carried away by a combination of incongruous colors. With red tights do not wear the blue skirt and purple blouse. Such an ensemble, of course, may seem to some very original, but not to your taste, no beauty or harmony, he does not flatter. If you absolutely insist to pick up anything along, match the color of tights, select a piece of clothing that will not attract attention. Red scarf or belt will emphasize not only your impeccable taste, but also complement the chiseled legs in bright red pantyhose.

Also look great with colored tights shoes of the same color. This combination makes it visually feet long, emphasizing their harmony and beauty. Generally, about shoes that you wear with bright colored tights, is to talk separately. Since you attract the eye to the feet, try to finish your image elegant shoes with medium or high heels. A lover of ballet shoes have to remember that flat sole with bright tights not be combined. Therefore, if you do not want to pass for a lady with a lack of taste or (God forbid) with crooked legs, wear shoes with heels.

Of course, there are certain limitations. Ladies with full legs do not get involved tights with prints or ornaments. Broad foot they are stretched even more by drawing attention to the fact that it is necessary to hide. If you want to visually reduce the width of the calf, you fit tights dark colors: blue, burgundy or chocolate. It should be remembered that the very clothes should be one or two shades lighter.

Do not be afraid to experiment with their looks and play with bright colors and patterns, because today it has a lot of opportunities. Try wearing colored tights and pretty soon you will not be able to give them up!

Tags: tights, colored