No less effective method of treatment will be in a shoe shop. Shoemaker razomnetsya block, deal with it softening chemicals, then stretch the tight shoes on special equipment.
Of the popular ways you can apply the following. To carry lacquer shoes, soak them inside ordinary vodka, suede "love" beer. Neither one nor the other means of non-staining, and the first time after the shoes perfectly stretched.
Leather shoes for another "recipe": Fill in the shoes of a little inexpensive cologne, immediately put them on, then soak cologne shoes outside. The skin is well kneaded and take the shape of your feet. Experts also advise: to close the shoes do not rub, wipe the inner surface of the rigid shoe with diluted vinegar solution (3%).
Use the freezer. Put a tight plastic bag in the boot. Maximum fill it with water, tie. Place the design of the shoes in the freezer for 8 hours. Then remove the ice pack - and the goal is reached. According to the law of physics water expands when it freezes and takes up more space, allowing you to gently stretch the skin, making shoes more spacious.
Not to mention about the old classical methods. Try the evening walk in the narrow shoes over woolen socks. Pour in boiling water shoes, pour, wait a bit and Put on malomerki. Heartily cover a new pair of fat cream or petroleum jelly and put on again to try to deliver.