How to distribute suede shoes

How to distribute suede shoes
 It happens that during the fitting shoes in the store, many girls think that they are very well sit on the leg, but as soon as they bring home purchase, it is found that the shoes small. Some still hope to stretch the shoes in the home. To do this it is possible, you just resort to a few simple ways.
 In order to carry suede shoes, you can use beer. It is very good help and does not leave stains on suede shoes. Moisten the shoes inside and tamp them very tightly crumpled old newspapers or wear thick socks and walk around for half an hour in the shoes around the house. After that, be sure to ventilate the shoes in the fresh air, to have weathered the beer smell. Try not to lose a sense of proportion, because the stretch shoes is not difficult, but to return to her previous size has not come out. Also note that you can not wet suede shoes rubbing alcohol or creams, as they may lead to the loss of her appearance and staining.

Take a couple of plastic bags, put them inside the shoe, pour the required amount of water and a good tie. Then put the shoes for a while in the freezer. It is recommended to do at night. In the morning, remove the shoes, wait until the ice has melted, remove the bags and shoes pomerte. When water freezes tends to expand, thereby stretching the shoes.

If these methods do not help, you can purchase a special tool for stretching shoes. This spray or foam. Shake the can of substance and good nabryzgayte outside and inside the shoes. After that immediately put shoes on his feet and walk around the house to dry completely. If necessary, this procedure can be performed several times. Preferably daily walk in the shoes of the house at least an hour, but do not rush to go out as soon as you feel that the shoes are a bit stretched.

That such problems did not arise, pay special attention to the choice of shoes. If you like the model but your size is not available, it is better to abandon their purchase, even if it is hoped that they will deliver. Very often, these attempts ended calluses, ingrown nails and other unpleasant consequences.

Tags: shoes, suede shoe