How to choose comfortable shoes

How to choose comfortable shoes
 The choice of shoes for women are always important. Most often, we focus on the external aesthetics, because they - the perfect feminine weapon proved Cinderella. However, the beauty of the shoe - not the most important thing. In addition to the aesthetic side of the coin, there is always a second - convenience. It is very important. Uncomfortable shoes can not only spoil the mood, but gait. Quite difficult to determine by eye, as your feet will feel themselves in one way or another shoe in a week. To choose comfortable shoes, just keep in mind a few tips.

Since we are talking about the shoes, the first thing that enters our eyes - a heel and shoe. The optimal length of convenience is considered heel from 3 to 9 inches. It is very important that it is positioned in the center of the heel that does not shift your center of mass. Wrong heels and uncomfortable shoes - what makes shoes so often brings discomfort, there is the so-called "indyushya gait." Determine whether the heel is very easy - Put on both shoes. In this case, you in any case should not feel the precariousness of their situation. All of the company for the production of shoe soles guided replicas, so if your foot arch does not correspond to block - you'll feel it. These shoes will not be handy when their spread. It is necessary to continue the search.

Is very important to try on shoes. If you want to objectively evaluate them, never merte shoes on bare feet. To do this before going shopping or endow a pair Sledkov kopronovyh socks. Another important fact fitting - it is necessary to measure the two shoes, not one. After fitting walk on the floor. That floor, rather than mats, with which so lovingly provided with shoe stores, because the soft mats and reduce stress legs when wearing heels.

Carefully select the size. The footwear market appeared trompe l'oeil - various "malomerki." Because shoes should ask your size, plus or minus the size. Truth is relative.

Of great importance is the backdrop. If it is too high, then you will rub, creating pain in the ankle, but if it is low, you will be missed sustainability.

Do not forget about the quality and look at the fact that hide all sorts of bows and lacquer - inside your shoes. Attention is paid to natural materials. Small internal clearances from gluing the elements can bring into your piggy bank extra corn. Shoes should be good both outside and inside.

Successful you shopping. And remember: it is the right shoes are made of a woman Woman with a capital letter.

Tags: shoes, choice, shoe