How to choose a bag to his boots

How to choose a bag to his boots
 Modern fashion for a long time to pick up the bag allows not only for shoes, but also to the dress. However, a classic combination bag boots did not lost its relevance. At the same time there was a great freedom of choice, as long as the bag and boots combined in its style solution.
 The first thing to note - this is the same type, it is important that the bag and boots combined in style. Agree, sports bag is unlikely to look presentable near flirty stiletto boots. Conversely, heavy sports boots will look ridiculous if you have small hands elegant handbag. These things are good in themselves, but combine them together in the clothes can not in any case.

You can combine bags and boots, made of various materials, but one shade. For example, will look favorably suede boots and matching leather or patent bag. There are several options for finishing materials diversified one, which further diversifies your image. Color bags and boots may not coincide. The main thing is to comply with the same type of color scheme and not to mix cold and warm colors. For example, you can not combine beige boots and a blue bag, such boots amazingly fit handbags brown, gold or bronze shades. Boots bright colors are best combined with white handbags or handbags color "metallic."

You should carefully evaluate the shape of the bag and its proportions. Graceful feminine boots will look great with bags of rounded forms. But the clear rectangular bags better suited to simple jewelry and boots without frills.
By rough safari boots or black boots perfect handbag leopard color, the more that this topic is now back in vogue. The main requirement is to ensure that no black and white detail in clothing and accessories.

For parties and celebrations are best suited bag or shoes with sequins. So to suede boots unadorned suit leather clutch with rhinestones. If your boots are jewelry, handbag or clutch is better to choose the material of plain no frills. The emphasis should be on one subject, otherwise there is a chance to turn into one big bad taste.

Of course, it is very difficult to have a wardrobe of countless pairs of boots and handbags. Therefore it is best limited to the selection of several stylistic solutions, such as a sports version, the daily and festive. In this case, you will always look elegant and stylish.

Tags: shoes, bags, boots